Little Daisy by Jasmin

Little Daisy was turning one. Daisy felt really overwhelmed and started screaming her lungs out, her Mum got her a drink of milk from her antique teacup but that was a mistake. Daisy's face was turning neon pink, she was getting really mad, her king size cot was rocking like a boat in a storm. She held the teacup and biffed it out of the unluckily open window. That was a massive problem. Her Dad had to go down to earth and see if anybody had seen it. Luckily it was still falling down. With a big thud he caught it. 



  1. Woo Jasmine, Daisy the baby sounds very grumpy! I would not like to be near her cot when she's rocking it that much- I wonder if Daisy will make the cot tip over?


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